Mincha following the farbrengen.
Maariv and Havdalah 6:05 PM
Earliest Tefillin (latest of the week) 6:10 AM
Latest Shema (earliest of the week) 9:28 AM
For all halachic times, see www.chabadw60s.com/zmanim
Yud (10) Shevat
This Shabbos we commemorate the passing (Yahrtzeit) of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, , Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn in the year 1950. And It is the day when, in 1951, the seventh Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson formally accepted the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch.
For the Rebbe’s letter outlining the customs relating to this day, click here.
For more about Yud Shevat click here.
To study the Rebbe’s inaugural maamar (discourse) of Basi Legani, click here.
Shabbat Shirah
This Shabbat is known as Shabbat Shirah, the Shabbat of Song. In this week’s Parshah of Beshalach, we read the Song of the Sea, the song the Jews sang when they experienced the splitting of the Red Sea. This song is so fundamental; we say it every day of the year in Shacharit. It is read from the Torah with a special tune.
In honor of this Shabbat, it is customary to leave food outside for the birds (before the onset of Shabbat). There are two reasons given for this custom:
1. The birds offer praise to G‑d every day with their chirping. On the Shabbat that we celebrate our singing to G‑d, we reward the birds as well.
2. This week, we read about the Mannah, which was promised to fall six days a week to feed the Jews in the desert - but not on Shabbat. Some people wanted to discredit Moshe and secretly spread out Mannah before Shabbat - with the intention of going out Shabbat morning and finding it. They would then claim that Moshe was wrong and that the Mannah fell even on Shabbat. The Midrash tells us that birds went out Friday night and removed all the Mannah from the surrounding area, foiling the plans of those dishonest individuals. We reward the birds this Shabbat for their good deed.
Note: there are halachic problems with feeding animals on Shabbat, so we customarily leave crumbs and the like outside (or in a birdhouse) before Shabbat starts.
In addition, it is a Chabad custom to eat kashah on this Shabbat.
For more on Shabbat Shirah, click here.