All services take place at 310 West 71st Street.

Wednesday, October 23 - Hoshana Rabbah
***Remember to make an Eiruv Tavshillin***

Candle Lighting: 5:45 PM 
Mincha: 5:50 PM 
Ma'ariv: 6:31 PM
Followed by a Kiddush in the sukkah and Hakkafot


Thursday, October 24 - Shemini Atzeret 

Shacharit: 10:00 AM 
Yizkor Memorial Service: approximately 11:30 AM

Special Prayer For Rain
Followed by a Kiddush in the Sukkah being sponsored by Alla & Alex Eydeland In honor of the holiday and our Jewish community in totality.
Mincha: 5:45 pm


***We will be welcoming a group of bochurim (yeshivah students) who will walk from Crown Heights to share the simcha of Simchat Torah with our community. 

Light candles from a pre-existing flame: after 6:43 PM
Begin preparing for second day of Yom Tov: after 6:43 PM
Maariv & Hakkafot: 6:43 PM


Thank you to Joe and Ariela Schwartz for being the primery sponsor, in loving memory of Joe's Oma & Opa and in celebration of Am Yisrael's strength over the past year. To be a sponsor click here.

Friday, October 25 - Simchat Torah
Shacharit: 10:30 am 

Kiddush 11:30
Ata Hareita and Hakkafot: 11:30 am.

We conclude the Torah reading cycle of the year and begin again with Bereishit.

Choson Torah. Choson Braishis. Kids Aliyah. Everyone Gets an Aliyah. New Resolutions.

Friday Evening

Light candles from a pre-existing flame: before 5:42 PM
Mincha: 5:45 PM 
Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:29 PM 

Shabbat M'varchim, October 26 -  Shabbat Bereishit
Shacharit: 10:00 AM

Torah Reading:

Bereishit: Genesis 1:1 - 6:8


Isaiah 42:5-21

We bless the new month of Mar- Chesvan

The birth of the new moon will be Friday November 1st, 4:05 pm and 14/18 portions

Rosh Chodesh is Friday & Shabbat Kodesh

Kiddush 12:30 PM (Sponsor needed)
Mincha: 5:35 PM followed by Shallash Seudos and  Special Seder Nigunim
Ma'ariv & Havdallah: 6:40 PM

Eiruv Tavshillin - We make an Eiruv Tavshillin on Erev Sukkot, Wednesday, October 16. The Eiruv Tavshillin allows us to make all necessary preparations during the day on Friday, the second day of Sukkot, October 18, for Shabbat which follows immediately afterwards. However, unlike a regular Friday afternoon, it is important to make sure that all foods prepared for Shabbat be totally cooked and edible well before Shabbat begins. 

The Eiruv consists of a matzah, and a cooked food, such as meat, fish, or an unpeeled hard-boiled egg. For details of the procedure and the appropriate Brachah that should be made, consult the siddur (Tehillat Hashem page 327) or see  here.


We look forward to seeing you for the Simchat Torah Celebration.

There are considerable costs for all the kiddushim, Please partner with us and contribute to this beautiful celebration.

Click to Partner With Us



Wednesday, October 16 - Sukkot Eve
***Remember to make an Eiruv Tavshillin***

Candle Lighting: 5:55 PM 
Mincha: 6:05 PM 
Ma'ariv: 6:41 PM

Thursday, October 17 - First Day of Sukkot 
Please note: Earliest time for using the Lulav and Etrog throughout Sukkot is at sunrise: on 10/17 after 7:10 AM through 10/23 after 7:17 AM

Shacharit: 10:00 AM 

Followed by Kiddush  in the Sukkah
Mincha: 5:55 PM 
Light candles from a pre-existing flame: after 6:53 PM 
Begin preparing for the second day of Yom Tov: after 6:53 PM 
Maariv: 6:53 PM 

Friday, October 18 -  Second Day of Sukkot

Shacharit: 10:00 AM
Followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah
Light candles from a pre-existing flame: before 5:52 PM
Mincha: 5:55 PM 
Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:38 PM 

Shabbat, October 19 -  Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot
Note: we do not use the Lulav on Shabbat

Shacharit: 10:00 AM
Followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah (Sponsor needed)
Mincha: 5:45 PM 
Ma'ariv & Havdallah: 6:50 PM