Yom Kippur Appeal - ChabadW60s.com
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Yom Kippur Appeal

  • Your support helps us continue our vital work, reaching hundrends of Jews. Please remember that we depend entirely on local funds. We are not supported by any central office and every dollar of every donation stays local for this community. 

    I want to share the Rebbe’s powerful message from Vov Tishrei 5716: the secret to receiving everything we need from Hashem lies in selfless giving. "Find a complete stranger in need, “vildeh fremdeh mensch" and give them exactly what they require–no questions asked, no strings attached” Just as you meet the needs of a fellow Jew without conditions, Hashem will respond to your tefilos in kind.

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  • Dear Friends,

    As we approach the holiest day of the year, when we ask G-d to open the gates of heaven to our prayers, we open our hearts and give, so that we may be blessed with goodness in return.

     Indeed, the Baal Shem Tov teaches based on the Posuk (Psalm 121) "Hashem tzilcha – the L-rd is your shadow", that G-d shadows and emulates our behavior.

    Hence, proportionate to our generosity, Hashem is generous in His blessings to us.

    In this spirit, as we approach the conclusion of our seal for good, we ask you to contribute generously to our Yom Kippur Appeal.

    Please consider a one time donation of $180, $360, $770, $1000, $1800 by click HERE.

    This past year has brought many difficult times for our people. We have been shaken to our core again, and again. And it has also brought many powerful moments of connection and inspiration. Our strength as a people lies in our connection to our source, the One Above. Our greatest power is our unity and support for one another. We are one family. Many of us have felt that this year like never before.

    We will not be making a public appeal during services, so please consider this our formal request for the Yom Kippur Appeal.


    Best wishes for a year filled with abundant blessings,

    Rabbi Yehuda & Faya Lipskier

    Rabbi Zevi & Chana Kugel

    If you have already donated- thank you! We are very grateful for your support.

    P.S. Our complete Yom Kippur Schedule is below. We look forward to an uplifting holiday together.

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